In the war of Humans vs. Numbers, we humans are hopelessly disadvantaged. We're outnumbered, for one thing - there are infinite numbers, but only five billion of us.
Every now and then, however, we human people come out on top. Today is one of those days. Because today, Cincinnati Reds hitmaster Pete Rose broke the Ty Cobb number curse with his 4,192nd career hit!
As we in the Math Skeptic community are well aware, numbers have been trying to tarnish Ty Cobb's career hit record for decades now, attempting to rob the famed ballplayer and salad inventor of two legitimately hitted hits through quantum uncertainty.
Well, there's no uncertainty anymore. You can bet on Pete Rose, the new all-time career hit leader. There's no gambling with uncertain numbers here - this record for this future Hall-of-Famer is set in stone!
And hey - look at the date! 9/11 again - I told you there was something special about those numbers!