The studyists found that subjects who believe they'll be able to rely on computers to retrieve bits of trivial information retain this information less accurately than subjects who know they have to rely on their own wetware due to the inherent fallibility of technology:
...trivia questions were turned into statements. Participants read the statements and were tested for their recall of them when they believed the statements had been saved—meaning accessible to them later as is the case with the InternetThe implications of this study are frightening beyond all boundaries of terrifiability, to say the least.—or erased. Participants did not learn the information as well when they believed the information would be accessible, and performed worse on the memory test than participants who believed the information was erased.
While the Internet
In fact, one with a conspiracy-minded sort of mind might be led to think that all these Internet conveniences and distractions are just a ploy by sentient routers and helper apps to soften up our brains and make us easier to - OMG look at the wittle puppy sleeping in his wittle basket!!!
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