The most recent series of posts on "Mad Astronomer" Leonid Elenin's manifesto/blog are nothing short of chilling. In fact, they're downright
Thursday's update on his orbiting space weapon, the so-called Comet C/2010 X1, Mad Astronomer Elenin brags that the force field protecting the decommissioned
space weapon has been activated and now extends from the satellite in a radius of some 100,000 km -
more than 62,000 miles in non-
Although he rather innocuously refers to this deflector shield as the "coma" of the "ordinary comet," we in the alarmist community know better. This deflector shield is now protecting the C/2010 X1's earthquake-causing
Tesla coil
technology from attack by even our most powerful hydrogen bombs and/or free market ideology.
As if this weren't frightening enough,
Mad Astronomer Elenin's post today should have you soiling underwear you haven't even put on yet. In this top-secret photo leaked by NASA's STEREO-B spacecraft, the "comet" can be seen
brutally attacking Alnitak, the
leftiest star in Orion's Belt:

As any fool can plainly see from the picture above, the O-class blue supergiant, alternately known as Zeta Orionis, is
nearly destroyed by a beam of
quantum flux from the orbiting space station's Tesla coil. If this weapon could cause such destruction to a supergiant like
(or An-ni6aq, if we're respecting our
sun letters) just
imagine what it could do to our piddling G-class yellow dwarf!
And, of course, the
disinformation campaign is in full-swing, as
Elenin supporters far and wide try to convince us that this
star destroyer
is merely an
innocent comet.
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