During today's daily perusal of the sciencey blogs on the sciencey topics, of science, I came across an intriguing piece about
how the Geobacter sulfurreducens uses protein wires to zap
out of groundwater. This is a finding with immense practical applications, as these bacteria can be used to clean up contamination around old
uranium mines
and former weapons factories.
Study authors Dena Cologgi et al forgot to mention one key detail
in their study, however.
What are all those bacteriums doing with all that uranium?
I can think of a number of things, none of them good.
They might be ingesting the uranium atoms in hopes that the radioactivity will give them
super powers
, such as flight, invisibility, or extreme
antibiotic resistance. That's not good. They might be bundling them to sell to a
rogue nation and/or
. Also not good. They might even be attempting to build their own functioning
nuclear warhead, one atom at a time.
That is catastrophic.
When the bacteria have the bomb, there's no telling what these
germs of mass destruction
will do with it. Perhaps they'll use it tactically, wiping out pharmaceutical plants around the country. Perhaps they'll use it as a bargaining tool, forcing doctors to stop prescribing antibiotics or they'll turn our major cities to rubble. Perhaps they'll just use them for
terrorist revenge attacks on genetic engineering labs that
experiment on E. coli.
The possibilities are endless. And they're all terrifying. Run!
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