For, as we all know, the HP 12c is nothing less than the most diabolical weapon ever unleashed by the numbers in their ongoing war against humanity.
Forged in the top-secret catacombs of HP's Cupertino tech lair, the 12c's revolutionary use of metal-oxide semiconductors and inscrutable Reverse Polish Notation
And, thusly, it is responsible for every financial crisis of the last three decades. Just look at the HP12c's trail of financial ruin:
- 1982: Latin American Debt crisis
- 1987: Black Monday
- 1989: Savings and Loan Scandal
- 1990: Swedish Banking Crisis
- 1992: Black Wednesday
- 1994: The Mexican
Economic Crisis
- 1997: Asian Financial Crisis
- 2001: Dot-com bubble burst
- 2007: Global financial subprime mortgage credit-default swap worldwide economic collapse
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