Monday, October 29, 2012

Superstorm Sandy: Opening Shot of the Numeric Wars?

If you have been following the news as I have, you are no doubt aware that a catastrophical hurricane is on its way up the eastern seaboard right now. However, if you have been getting your news from the brain-dead LIE-beral media you probably don't know the true origins of this nefarious storm.

The meteorologists and climatologists and what-not would have you believe that this storm is simply a naturally-occurring phenomenon, what with air masses and ocean temperatures and water vapor combining naturally to create a tropical depression that then evolves purely by natural forces into a hurricane, fueled along the way by climate change.

To which I say BALDERWASH!

This storm is nothing less than a brutal attack on humanity by the numbers!

Think about it - the weather and the numbers have been conspiring ever since the dawn of meteorology. How do we measure temperature? Numbers. Barometric pressure? Numbers. Wind speed? Numbers. Precipitation? Numbers. We even use numbers to denote the strength of hurricanes.

Given the close personal relationship between the weather and the numbers, it should come as no surprise that the numbers have now begun to control the weather!

It's so obvious, people!