Saturday, June 25, 2011

New York Embraces Marriage Equality. Could Mathage Equality Be Next?

By now, you have no doubt heard the news that a bill legalizing same-sex marriage has been passed by the New York state legislature and will go into effect next month. This is certainly a great victory for all who have been fighting for equal rights, and The Math Skeptic salutes them.

This victory of alternative marriage prompts us to wonder - will this open the door to alternative arithmetic as well? While New York has moved into the 21st Century in the marriage arena, its educational system remains hopelessly mired in the antiquated, 20th Century, "one right answer" mathematical paradigm. A cursory and hastily-conducted review of the state's P-12 mathematics standards revealed not a single reference to alternative mathematics or creative arithmetic. This is simply unconscionable.

The Math Skeptic urges all New Yorkstians to contact their legislators and the Board of Regents and demand equality and fairness in the education system. The time is hot. We must strike while the iron is ripe.

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