And gloat they did, proverbially patting themselves on their proverbial backs in celebration of the board's proverbial trouncing of science supplements that dared question the scientifico-governmentile conspiracy pushing the "Allele Change Consensus
Today, however, I am happy to see that cosmic retribution is in order:
Tropical Storm Don is headed for the Texas coast, packing 45 mile-an-hour winds, 2 foot storm surges, and is preparing to drop up to 7 inches of rain on the wayward state, an obvious punishment for their educationary transgression.
Now I know what you're thinking. "I thought hurricanes were caused by homosexualism and/or Comet Elenin, not evolutionism
However, I can understand your confusion. There are a lot of human and celestial causes of natural disaster activity here on Earth, and it can be very confusing trying to keep up with them all. Thusly, I have put together the following handy reference table to assist your understanding of the factors causing death and destruction:
Disaster | Human Cause | Celestial Influence |
Hurricane | Homosexualism | Comet Kouhoutek |
Tropical storm | Evolutionism | Vesta |
Tornado | Germ Theoryism | Comet Hyakutake |
Earthquake | Non-Christianism | Comet Elenin |
Tsunami | Hedonism | Sedna |
Volcano | Hubris | Comet Halley |
Financial collapse | Deregulationism | Pluto-Charon barycenter |
Flood | General disobedience | 3753 Cruithne |
This should clear up any confusion you may have had. If you are engaging in any of the above transgressions, I shall hold you personally responsible for any disaster that befalls you.
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